Ever since i went to the super market during Hellfest 2009 and Liam asked me to 'surprise him' I had been thinking about this photo. 12 months in the planning and I knew this year the crustacean based gift needed to be in the back pocket but I needed a carrier. In Chud I found my man. This is a guy who faced with the apparent (and untrue) obliteration of the entire human race risked incarceration, beatings bummings and a blocked US Visa to knock at a policeman and commit several other unspeakable acts. After several further run ins with the filth we were finally ready. My 48 hour old camera was in a puddle but
Dan stepped up.
£2 film, super saturated sky, a solid but subtle mid range zuul and perfect double claw from lobster 2010 and we're done.
Is this as good as it get's?
who cares x
(also just realised it's actually me in the photo...although to be fair chud carried that guy around for hours even gaffer taping his little claws back on when times got hard)